
Bible Reading for December 19 – Luke 1:46-56

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Is it hard for you to rejoice this Christmas? Are you feeling confused, or overwhelmed, or scared? Mary would understand. After all, there was no way that having a baby by the power of the Holy Spirit could have made sense to her. And for all she knew, having such a baby would cut her off from all her family and friends, and from everyone who refused to believe her frankly unbelievable story.

And yet she rejoiced, not in the admittedly bewildering and difficult circumstances of her life, but in the grace of God. Calling herself nothing more than a bondslave of God, she was amazed that He would choose her to play such an important part in His plan of salvation. And true humility remains an indispensable part of rejoicing, for as long as we think we deserve to be blessed, we’ll never be satisfied with any good things that might come our way.

Mary also rejoiced in the justice of God, even though she hadn’t experienced it yet. No, even though she continued to wait for the Christ to scatter the proud and bring down those who set themselves up against His authority, she was sure that the Son to be born to her would one day do all those things. And even though the proud and the wicked continue to dominate our world, we too can rejoice in Christ’s promise to do exactly what Mary expected Him to do – one day.

For the root of all our rejoicing, and the greatest reason we have to trust in God’s grace and justice regardless of the difficult circumstances of our lives, is the fact that God is faithful. Mary closes her hymn with humble gratitude that, in allowing her to give birth to His Messiah, God was keeping the promises that He had made to His people for hundreds of years, ever since the time of Abraham. And because Jesus kept His promise that He would rise from the dead on the third day, we can be just as sure that he will give eternal life to all who share the faith of Abraham.

So, this Christmas, let us join Mary in rejoicing, not in what we see, but in our gracious, righteous, and faithful God. For just as He came to be with us in the Person of Mary’s baby, He will come again to set all things right and make all things new. Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!

Luke 1:46-56 (NASB)

46 And Mary said: “My soul exalts the Lord,
47 And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.
48 “For He has had regard for the humble state of His bondslave; For behold, from this time on all generations will count me blessed.
49 “For the Mighty One has done great things for me; And holy is His name.
50 “And His mercy is upon generation after generation Toward those who fear Him.
51 “He has done mighty deeds with His arm; He has scattered those who were proud in the thoughts of their heart.
52 “He has brought down rulers from their thrones, And has exalted those who were humble.
53 “He has filled the hungry with good things; And sent away the rich empty-handed.
54 “He has given help to Israel His servant, In remembrance of His mercy,
55 As He spoke to our fathers, To Abraham and his offspring forever.”
56 And Mary stayed with her about three months, and then returned to her home.