

Bible Reading for October 4 – I Samuel 24

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

What would you do if you really had a chance to stick it to one of your enemies? No, I doubt any of us would go as far as killing anyone else. But what about spreading some lies – or even some unpleasant truths – about them? Or perhaps making…



Bible Reading for October 3 – I Samuel 23:15-29

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Have you ever been betrayed? Maybe you gave your heart to a special someone, only to find that him or her cheating on you. Or maybe a co-worker told lies about you to your boss, in order to get a promotion that you deserved. Or maybe, when you became the…



Bible Reading for October 1 – I Samuel 23:1-14

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

What ingratitude! David was still on the run from Saul, the King of Israel. But, when he heard about the Philistine attack on Keilah, a Judean town about 20 miles southwest of Jerusalem, he took action. Instead of waiting for Saul to do his job and protect the city, David…



Bible Reading for September 30 – I Samuel 22:6-23

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

It is easy to draw a political lesson from today’s passage: it is undoubtedly dangerous for any one man to hold absolute, unchecked power. Saul’s followers had no real ability to put the brakes on his paranoiac vengeance, whether he was raging at his own son Jonathan, his son-in-law David…



Bible Reading for September 29 – I Samuel 21:10-22:5

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

It’s easy to long for the “good old days.” When your church and your town is shrinking in numbers, when folks don’t attend worship like they did before COVID, when it’s harder and harder to deny that the economy, not to mention the culture, is in a serious state of…



Bible Reading for September 28 – I Samuel 21:1-9

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Did David do anything right in this passage? He was on the run from King Saul, but lied and said that Saul had sent him on a secret mission. No one but the priests were supposed to eat the Bread of the Presence (see Leviticus 24), but David and his…



Bible Reading for September 27 – I Samuel 20:18-23, 35-42

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

It always hurts to say goodbye to those you love, whether it be sending a child off to college, a friend to a job opportunity in another state, or a grandparent to a nursing home. And sometimes we have to release a loved one to death itself. How do we…



Bible Reading for September 26 – I Samuel 20:24-34

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Have you ever been disappointed in someone you loved? Have you ever noticed a sin in someone’s life that was eating him up? After the events of today’s passage, that was certainly true for Jonathan. Sure, he knew about his father’s tendency to lose his temper. But he kept on…



Bible Reading for September 24 – I Samuel 20:1-17

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

What does it mean to really love a friend? As we saw in Thursday’s passage, true love means more than just warm feelings toward others, or even wishing that good things would happen to them. True love is willing to do whatever it takes to bless the beloved, regardless of…



Bible Reading for September 23 – I Samuel 19:18-24

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Once Saul discovered that David was staying with the prophet Samuel, he didn’t hesitate. His mania to capture the man he considered to be a threat to his throne was so great that he sent three sets of men to arrest him. But the first group of them had been…


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