

Bible Reading for June 24 – Psalm 97

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Have you ever known anyone that you thought took their Christian faith a little bit too far? I mean, do you think a tenth of your income is too much to give to the Lord’s work? Or what about devoting more personal time to engage in projects to help the…



Bible Reading for June 23 – Psalm 96

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“Well, you can believe whatever you want, because religion is only a matter of opinion.” Perhaps you’ve heard such sentiments expressed – or maybe that’s what you yourself believe. But the psalmist shatters such ideas by holding up before us a matter of historical fact: that the Lord made the…



Bible Reading for June 22 – Psalm 95

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

It’s not always easy to sing for joy to the Lord, is it? That was certainly the case for God’s people in the days after God led them out of Egypt. Yes, God had allowed them to walk through the waters of the Red Sea while drowning Pharaoh’s pursuing army…



Bible Reading for June 21 – Psalm 94

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

In our increasingly polarized society, a desire for vengeance on our enemies may be the only thing all of us Americans have in common anymore. Oh, we define those enemies quite differently, but don’t we all want God to bring down the proud and the arrogant (verses 2-4)? Don’t we…



Bible Reading for June 20 – Psalm 93

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“The floods have lifted up their voice; the floods lift up their pounding waves.” That truth hit home to me on my first trip to the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina. It was so strange to see steps leading nowhere, sidewalks and trees remaining in place but house after house…



Bible Reading for June 18 – Psalm 92

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Bible Reading for June 18 – Psalm 92 There’s more than enough time from Monday through Saturday to focus on all the evils in this world – the stupid senselessness and the wickedness that fills our TV and computer screens. So it’s no wonder that this “song for the Sabbath…



Bible Reading for June 17 – Psalm 91

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

War in Europe. Shootings in schools and churches. COVID cases rising again, along with the price of gasoline, which, even when adjusted for inflation, is the highest it’s been in a century. Oh, and hurricane season is just getting started. To say that we have many reasons for fear is…



Bible Reading for June 16 – Psalm 90

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Our whole society is continuing to change at a dizzying pace, and for so many of us the signs of aging are undeniable. So, while we might like to meditate on the first verses of this Psalm today: “from everlasting to everlasting, Thou art God,” our minds are instead drawn…



Bible Reading for June 15 – Psalm 87

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

I hope we all know that we don’t have to go to Zion, the mountain on which Jerusalem stands, anymore. For no matter how interesting the site of the Old Testament Temple of God may be, the oldest buildings in modern Jerusalem date back only to the Middle Ages. In…



Bible Reading for June 14 – Psalm 86

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

If Psalm 85 is a plea for God to help His people as a whole, in today’s psalm, David asks God to be gracious to him as an individual. In fact, verses 8 and 10 remind us all that prayer should be our first response even to our most difficult…


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