

Bible Reading for October 22 – I John 1:1-10

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“Why should I believe in Jesus? All this Christianity stuff is just a matter of opinion.” Well, no, it isn’t. After all, Jesus didn’t claim to be simply a human teacher, but to be life itself (v. 2, cf. John 14:6). Jesus didn’t claim to be merely a moral exemplar…



Bible Reading for October 21 – II Peter 3:1-18

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

When will Jesus come again? What will be the signs of His coming? These are the questions Jesus’ disciples asked Him (Mark 13:4), and subsequent generations have continued to share their interest. Year after year, books have been written, breathlessly recounting the author’s certainty that, all prior predictions to the…



Bible Reading for October 20 – II Peter 2:1-22

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Although people holding different views might point to different examples, we can all agree that there are many, many false teachers in our midst, using all the modern methods of communication to spread their lies. And, as Peter points out, the church has never been immune from this problem (v….



Bible Reading for October 19 – II Peter 1:12-21

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Bible Reading for October 19 – II Peter 1:12-21 How do you get people to listen to you? Today’s musicians, long since disenchanted with melodies, have come to the conclusion that sexually explicit lyrics and videos are increasingly necessary to boost the popularity of their catchy rhythms. In what passes…



Bible Reading for October 18 – II Peter 1:1-11

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

What is the Christian life all about? We college-founding and confession-writing Presbyterians probably tend to focus in on verse 2, where Peter hopes that his readers will grow in their knowledge of God, and especially of the Lord Jesus. Christians who incline more toward the emotions rather than the intellect…



Bible Reading for October 16 – I Peter 5:1-14

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“I could be wrong.” That may be the hardest four words any of us ever say. After all, we know our own minds, and we’re perfectly capable of making rational decisions, right? Moreover, we Protestants are convinced that we’re all able to read the Scriptures for ourselves, and to understand…



Bible Reading for October 15 – I Peter 4:1-19

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Every Christian faces the same choice every day: to pursue human passions, or to seek the will of God (v. 2). But let’s face it – many times, it doesn’t feel like much of a choice at all. For don’t we all tend to do what makes sense to us?…



Bible Reading for October 14 – I Peter 3:8-22

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

What’s the secret to the good life? No, it’s not having the fastest car or the biggest house or the most attractive spouse. In fact, it’s not about getting anything that we think we want. Instead, Peter tells us in verses 10-12 that the key to the good life is…



Bible Reading for October 13 – I Peter 2:13-3:7

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Can Peter be serious? We have to submit ourselves to the authority of the government (2:13-14)? But what if we’re sure they are corrupt or crazy, or that they were illegitimately elected? Worse yet, Peter tells servants to be subject to their masters, even when those masters are unjust or…



Bible Reading for October 12 – I Peter 2:1-12

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a firm foundation for your life, someone on which you can always rely? Well, verse 6 says that Jesus is the cornerstone, the One Who makes provides us the structure and support we need, the assurance that we are in the right place, lined…


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