
Bible Reading for September 6 – Ezekiel 32-33

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Ever since the COVID lockdowns, more and more people are taking the opportunity to sample some of the many Bible studies, sermons, and worship services that are available online. But why are some more popular than others? What are people really looking for when they seek out religious programming?

Well, we can’t deny that production values are important. If the picture’s jumpy or the sound isn’t clear, folks are likely to tune out. Moreover, whether it comes to religious or secular media, don’t we also tend to select content we already agree with? Aren’t we attracted to messengers who tell us what we want to hear?

The people of Ezekiel’s day were no different. Whether it was because of the vividness of his imagery, or the shocking way he acted out God’s pronouncements, many of them were eager to hear his messages (Ezekiel 33:30). They came to listen to him for the same reason that people go to concerts – because they like the voices and the musicianship of their favorite bands (Ezekiel 33:32). To them, worship had become mere entertainment.

But as God told Ezekiel, the most important thing isn’t the words we hear, but whether we put God’s Word into practice in our lives. Many of Ezekiel’s most avid listeners nevertheless refused to allow his messages to change their lives. Instead of heeding his calls for greater devotion to God, they continued to live according to their selfish desires (33:31). But God made it clear that those who chose to live for themselves would in fact die in their sins (33:12-13), no matter how righteous they considered themselves to be. Just going to church, just listening to sermons has never saved anyone.

But at the same time, God assures us that those who truly repent, those who turn away from their sin and who turn to God in the sort of trust that is expressed in obedience – they will live, no matter how wicked their past may have been (33:14-16). For God makes it clear: “I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn from his way and live” (33:11).

Yes, that was the Word that Ezekiel brought his people from God: “Turn back, turn back from your evil ways” (33:11)! And regardless of how slick or how simple the packaging may be, that same call to repentance, that same word of welcome still comes to us today, from pulpits and podcasts alike.

But will we do more than listen, nod, and then scroll down to the next story? Will we let God’s word draw us closer to Him today?

Ezekiel 33:30-33 (NASB)

30 “But as for you, son of man, your fellow citizens who talk about you by the walls and in the doorways of the houses, speak to one another, each to his brother, saying, ‘Come now, and hear what the message is which comes forth from the LORD.’
31 “And they come to you as people come, and sit before you as My people, and hear your words, but they do not do them, for they do the lustful desires expressed by their mouth, and their heart goes after their gain.
32 “And behold, you are to them like a sensual song by one who has a beautiful voice and plays well on an instrument; for they hear your words, but they do not practice them.
33 “So when it comes to pass– as surely it will– then they will know that a prophet has been in their midst.”