
Bible Reading for November 15 – Acts 27-28

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So, why doesn’t everyone respond to the gospel in faith? Oh, sometimes there are obvious cultural or linguistic differences that keep people from understanding the truth. But that wasn’t the case with Paul and the Jewish leaders in Rome. After all, they knew the Old Testament very well, so when Paul pointed to the Law of Moses and the Prophets to explain the life and ministry of Jesus (28:23), the leaders of the Jews should have understood what he was saying. But while some of them were convinced by his words, others did not believe him (28:24).

And the same thing continues to be true, even of people who grow up in the Church today. We’ve all heard about the pastors’ kids who have turned away from the faith, but a shocking number of all young people who attended Sunday Schools and youth groups abandon Christianity when they head off to college. In fact, according to Pew Research in the year 2007, 78% of Americans identified as Christians. By 2021, only 63% did.

So what’s going on? Of course the church can and should do a better job of reaching across generational, cultural and linguistic barriers, showing and sharing the love and truth of Jesus in ways that more people can understand. But sometimes the problem isn’t with the speakers but with the hearers.

Yes, sometimes people’s hearts have grown dull (28:27), rejecting the very idea of human sin and thus everyone’s need for salvation. Sometimes people’s ears become deaf, as they allow their own reason, experience or tradition to drown out the clear Word of God. Sometimes, people close their eyes, refusing to see God’s blessings in their lives, and rejecting the love that Christians offer to them.

So, how did Paul respond to being rejected by his own people? He kept on proclaiming the Kingdom of God to Jew and Gentile, welcoming “all who came to him” (28:30). In the same way, let’s keep showing and sharing the love of Christ to all those around us. For who knows? God may use our faithful words and deeds to bring back to Himself even those who have turned away from His truth and love – even folks who should know better.

Acts 28:17-31 (NASB)

17 And it happened that after three days he called together those who were the leading men of the Jews, and when they had come together, he began saying to them, “Brethren, though I had done nothing against our people, or the customs of our fathers, yet I was delivered prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans.
18 “And when they had examined me, they were willing to release me because there was no ground for putting me to death.
19 “But when the Jews objected, I was forced to appeal to Caesar; not that I had any accusation against my nation.
20 “For this reason therefore, I requested to see you and to speak with you, for I am wearing this chain for the sake of the hope of Israel.”
21 And they said to him, “We have neither received letters from Judea concerning you, nor have any of the brethren come here and reported or spoken anything bad about you.
22 “But we desire to hear from you what your views are; for concerning this sect, it is known to us that it is spoken against everywhere.”
23 And when they had set a day for him, they came to him at his lodging in large numbers; and he was explaining to them by solemnly testifying about the kingdom of God, and trying to persuade them concerning Jesus, from both the Law of Moses and from the Prophets, from morning until evening.
24 And some were being persuaded by the things spoken, but others would not believe.
25 And when they did not agree with one another, they began leaving after Paul had spoken one parting word, “The Holy Spirit rightly spoke through Isaiah the prophet to your fathers,
26 saying, ‘Go to this people and say, “You will keep on hearing, but will not understand; And you will keep on seeing, but will not perceive;
27 For the heart of this people has become dull, And with their ears they scarcely hear, And they have closed their eyes; Lest they should see with their eyes, And hear with their ears, And understand with their heart and return, And I should heal them.”‘
28 “Let it be known to you therefore, that this salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles; they will also listen.”
29 And when he had spoken these words, the Jews departed, having a great dispute among themselves .
30 And he stayed two full years in his own rented quarters, and was welcoming all who came to him,
31 preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching concerning the Lord Jesus Christ with all openness, unhindered.