
Bible Reading for March 18 – Psalm 119:89-176

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Why is reading the Bible so important? Not least because it is our only reliable source of truth about God. For example, verse 149 speaks of God’s ordinances, His perfect justice that requires the death penalty for any rebellion against Him, any breach of His perfect law of love. Just so, verses 145 and 146 say that we are all called to keep God’s testimonies and to observe His statutes.

But that’s not all. Verse 151 reminds us that God is always near us, always seeing everything we do and hearing everything we say. And the same verse insists that all of God’s commandments are true, that He can’t lie or go back on anything He has said in His Word. Instead, verse 152 says that God has founded His Law forever.

So, how can any of this be good news for us? For whenever we open God’s Word, we can’t escape the fact that all of us break God’s law all the time. Whenever we turn the focus of our lives away from God and other people and toward our own desires, we are cutting ourselves off from our only source of life, and denying the only real source of truth, earning God’s righteous judgment.

But we find the good news in verse 149, which speaks of God’s lovingkindness, His self-sacrificial, unconditional, covenant-keeping love. It is because of such love that He revives us, in spite of our unworthiness. It is such love that guarantees He will hear the prayers of His people.

And we know God has this kind of love for us because He gave Jesus to die for us. For in Jesus’ death, God’s justice was fully satisfied on behalf of all of His people. Yes, God can give us the blessing of life instead of the death we deserve, God can satisfy His justice at the same time that He is pouring out His steadfast love upon us because Jesus took the sins of all who trust in Him upon Himself, crediting His perfect holiness and righteousness to all of His people at the same time.

So, given God’s truth and love, His grace and mercy, shouldn’t we do the best we can to observe His statutes and keep His testimonies (verses 145-146)? Isn’t that the least we can do for the One Who has done so much for us?

Psalm 119:145-152 (NASB)

145 I cried with all my heart; answer me, O LORD! I will observe Thy statutes.
146 I cried to Thee; save me, And I shall keep Thy testimonies.
147 I rise before dawn and cry for help; I wait for Thy words.
148 My eyes anticipate the night watches, That I may meditate on Thy word.
149 Hear my voice according to Thy lovingkindness; Revive me, O LORD, according to Thine ordinances.
150 Those who follow after wickedness draw near; They are far from Thy law.
151 Thou art near, O LORD, And all Thy commandments are truth.
152 Of old I have known from Thy testimonies, That Thou hast founded them forever.