
Bible Reading for May 27 – I Kings 7; Psalm 127

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Wisdom and understanding – when we think of these things, we often conjure up images of white-coated researchers, or perhaps bespectacled, tweedy philosophy professors. But the Bible has a more comprehensive view of wisdom, one which insists not only on the possession of knowledge, but also its application in the real world. For how is Hiram described? What does the Bible say about the engineer and builder Solomon hired to construct not only his personal palace but the Temple of God Almighty? “He was filled with wisdom and understanding and skill” (I Kings 7:14).

And yes, these are the same concepts that are repeated over and over again throughout the Book of Proverbs. “For the Lord gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding” (Proverbs 2:6): this verse features the same three Hebrew words.

So, maybe those who are calling for universal college education have missed the point. Sure, many people will benefit from higher-level academic studies, but God has blessed many others like Hiram with a different kind of wisdom, a knowledge that understands how to translate ideas into metal and wood and stone, a skill that can direct thousands in the construction of magnificent building projects.

No, those who become electricians, welders, plumbers, carpenters or builders haven’t somehow settled for second best on the career ladder. The fact is that anyone who uses the kind of wisdom the Lord has given him, anyone who puts the kind of knowledge and skill that she has into practice is worthy of the highest respect.

For after all, without Hiram’s kind of wisdom, the Temple of God could not have been built, and that means the great pageant of the Old Testament worship of God, all those ceremonies which foreshadowed so many things about the redeeming work of Christ, could not have been performed. You see, the learning of the priests wasn’t enough – they needed the practical, hands-on wisdom of Hiram to reflect Christ to the world.

And isn’t that the case in all of our lives as well? For what good will our knowledge of the Bible do unless we put it into practice? How can we reveal Christ to those around us if we don’t live out His life of self-sacrificial, unconditional love before their eyes? So, let’s seek to live out our faith today, not just in our thoughts and feelings, but in our words and deeds. Let’s use whatever kind of wisdom God has given us for His glory and for the good of others.

I Kings 7:13-14 (NASB)

13 Now King Solomon sent and brought Hiram from Tyre.
14 He was a widow’s son from the tribe of Naphtali, and his father was a man of Tyre, a worker in bronze; and he was filled with wisdom and understanding and skill for doing any work in bronze. So he came to King Solomon and performed all his work.