

Bible Reading for October 31 – Acts 2-4

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

If you were being persecuted because of your faith, how would you pray to God? Would you ask for relief from your suffering? Would you ask for justice to be done, for your enemies to be punished while you were vindicated? Well, Peter and John’s prayers were completely different. Oh,…



Bible Reading for October 30 – Luke 23:54-24:53; Acts 1

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Okay, so after Jesus rose from the dead, why did He reveal Himself in so many different ways? John presents a tender scene in the garden, with Jesus speaking to Mary through her tears, calming her confusion and allowing her to hold Him close, if only for a moment (John…



Bible Reading for October 28 – Luke 21:1-22:44; Psa. 88

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Jesus’ list of events that precede His coming are becoming ominously familiar. Wars and disturbances? People aren’t just dying in Israel and Gaza but also at the hands of a madman in Maine. Earthquakes? In Morocco last month, one killed almost 3,000 people, while thousands more were injured and left…



Bible Reading for October 27 – Luke 18:35-20:47

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

To Jesus’ Jewish listeners, this teaching was simply outrageous. In those days, the Pharisees were the good guys, the straight-arrow types. They read the Bible and really tried to put it into practice in their lives. Indeed, the self-description of this Pharisee in verse 12 still puts most of us…



Bible Reading for October 26 – Luke 16:1-18:34

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

What is our responsibility to the poor, those who, for whatever reason, truly cannot help themselves? That was Lazarus’ situation, as Jesus described it in Luke chapter 16. Verse 20 says he “was laid” at the rich man’s house, which implies that he couldn’t walk there himself. And whatever disease…



Bible Reading for October 25 – Luke 13:10-15:32

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

When God invites us into fellowship with Him, what gets in the way? Well, what were the excuses the people in Jesus’ parable made for not coming to their host’s dinner? The first one had just bought a piece of land and wanted to inspect it (Luke 14:18). And it…



Bible Reading for October 24 – Luke 11:27-13:9

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“He must have had it coming to him.” Isn’t that what we often say when bad things happen to people we know? Oh, we may be sorry for the smoker who gets lung cancer, or the obese person who develops Type 2 diabetes. But being able to link certain behaviors…



Bible Reading for October 23 – Luke 9:51-11:26

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

So, what’s your plan for the day? Would you like to do something for Jesus? Maybe you’re interested in the sort of mission work Jesus sent the seventy out to do at the beginning of this chapter (Luke 10:1). Or maybe you’ve taken Jesus’ story about the Good Samaritan seriously…



Bible Reading for October 21 – Luke 6:17-8:3

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

God can fix any problem. Any problem. In New Testament times, a woman was completely helpless without a man to care for her and take responsibility for her. And that’s what happened to this widow when her only son died. So, she wasn’t just grieving the loss of a loved…



Bible Reading for October 20 – Luke 4:14-6:16

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

In their legalistic mania to justify themselves in the sight of God, the Pharisees took God’s Sabbath requirement and blew it up to ridiculous proportions. It was work to have a snack while walking through a field (Luke 6:1-2)? It was work for Jesus to do a miracle of healing…


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