

Bible Reading for September 12 – Ezekiel 47:13-48:35; Psalm 104

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

With all our modern technology, it’s easy for us human beings to imagine that we have everything under control. After all, we’ve banished the heat with our air conditioners, we’ve straightened the mighty Mississippi River, and we’ve made the desert bloom through our use of fertilizers and irrigation. We can…



Bible Reading for September 11 – Ezekiel 45:1-47:12

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

The Tabernacle, and the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem all needed a source of clean water. The priests used this to wash themselves before entering the presence of the Lord or approaching the Altar to offer sacrifices (Exodus 30:17-20). So, it’s no surprise that Ezekiel’s vision of a perfect…



Bible Reading for September 9 – Ezekiel 40-41; Psalm 48

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Many study Bibles have some sort of diagram summarizing Ezekiel’s description of the Temple in these chapters. And let’s face it – such pictures really help us make sense of his vision. So, why in the world didn’t God just tell Ezekiel to draw us a picture instead of going…



Bible Reading for September 8 – Ezekiel 37-39

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“Ezekiel cried, ‘Dem dry bones! Oh hear the word of the Lord!” That’s how James Weldon Johnson set the first 10 verses of Ezekiel 37 to music, making this one of the best known passages in the Old Testament. But the vision is actually a lot more complicated, and it…



Bible Reading for September 7 – Ezekiel 34-36

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“It’s the preacher’s fault!” We’ve all heard complaints like this, haven’t we? Whether we don’t like the hymns sung in public worship, or whether we’re dissatisfied with the children’s ministry, or whether we just don’t care for the color of the carpet in the Sanctuary, it’s always easy to blame…



Bible Reading for September 6 – Ezekiel 32-33

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Ever since the COVID lockdowns, more and more people are taking the opportunity to sample some of the many Bible studies, sermons, and worship services that are available online. But why are some more popular than others? What are people really looking for when they seek out religious programming? Well,…



Bible Reading for September 5 – Ezekiel 29-31

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

When Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine, Sweden and Finland applied for membership in NATO. And it’s easy to see why: with Russia making such a brazen attempt to conquer a neighboring state, it makes a lot of sense for those two countries to join forces with their powerful friends to the…



Bible Reading for September 3 – Ezekiel 24-26

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

When things are going well, it’s hard to imagine them ever coming to an end. And for the last 75 years, the United States has been pretty much on top. Our economy has been the envy of the world, setting the pace in innovation as well as productivity. Our military…



Bible Reading for September 2 – Ezekiel 22-23

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Where do you go for refuge? The Ancient Israelites thought they would be safe from the Babylonians inside the walls of Jerusalem (Ezekiel 22:19). They trusted in its strong fortifications to hold off the invaders, hoping Nebuchadnezzar and his soldiers would turn aside and conquer another country instead (Ezekiel 21:21)….



Bible Reading for September 1 – Ezekiel 20-21

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

So, why does God treat His people in such different ways throughout their history? After all, as Ezekiel points out in the first 22 verses of chapter 20, God’s people had been disobeying Him for a very long time. Even when the Lord was in the process of leading them…


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