

Bible Reading for August 19 – Lamentations 1-2

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

There was no more room for denial. In the smoking ruins of Jerusalem, the handful of survivors had to admit that Jeremiah had been right all along. The people had in fact rebelled against God by worshipping idols and oppressing one another. And because God is holy and righteous, He…



Bible Readings for August 18 – Jeremiah 52; II Chronicles 36; Psalm 79

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

As we see the chaos and carnage in Ukraine, it is easy to thank God for the relative safety, security, and prosperity He has given us Americans. But at the same time, Mississippi has had a consistently high homicide rate when compared to other American states, and Jackson has recently…



Bible Reading for August 17 – Jeremiah 51

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“How long will it take for you to avenge us?” That’s what God’s people have been crying out ever since Cain killed Abel. From the Babylonians who tore down the First Temple of the Lord, to the Romans who destroyed the Second Temple and who put Christians to death because…



Bible Reading for August 16 – Jeremiah 49:23-50:46

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“God’s judgment is coming!” That’s what Jeremiah had been telling God’s people over and over again up to this point in his book. But beginning in chapter 46, he turns his guns on the other nations in the surrounding area: the Egyptians (chapter 46), the Philistines (chapter 47), the Moabites…



Bible Reading for August 15 – Jeremiah 47:1-49:22

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

The Egyptians placed their confidence in the Nile River, which flooded every year, bringing water and fertile sediment to nourish their fields. In their prosperity, they assembled mighty armies, which they naturally assumed would be able to fill the earth in a similar way (Jeremiah 46:3-4, 7-8). The Philistines were…



Bible Reading for August 14 – Jeremiah 44-46

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“But it’s not my fault!” Maybe that’s how you feel when you look at the economic and social problems swirling around us today. Maybe you really don’t care about anyone else’s skintone and you really try to make sure everyone gets a fair shake. Maybe you’ve been faithful to your…



Bible Reading for August 12 – II Kings 24-25; Psalm 89

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

What can we possibly learn from such a depressing passage? After all, we modern Christians don’t bow down before carved images like those Ancient Israelites did. And we know that Jesus has fulfilled all the meaning of the Temple and its sacrifices. So why should it matter to us that…



Bible Reading for August 11 – Jeremiah 37-39

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“I don’t need to follow God’s Word to get along in life. I can depend on my powerful friends to see me through!” Lots of people think like this, don’t they? Some put their faith in government to provide for them and keep them safe. Others rely on networks of…



Bible Reading for August 10 – Jeremiah 34-36

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

It’s a shocking scene: the king of Judah listening to Jehudi reading the Book of Jeremiah, then pausing after every few columns to slice off portions of the text and toss them into the fire. It’s hard to imagine a clearer rejection of the Word of God, or a more…



Bible Reading for August 9 – Jeremiah 32-33

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

When we look at the headlines, it’s hard to see how Jesus could be the one Whose coming Jeremiah foretold in chapter 33. If He’s the righteous Branch, the Son of David, then where’s the justice and the righteousness on the earth (Jeremiah 33:15)? If He’s the One Who sits…


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