

Bible Reading for July 27 – Habakkuk; Psalm 74

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“O Lord, how long shall I cry for help, and you will not hear” (1:2)? It’s easy to relate to Habakkuk’s lament, isn’t it? Even when we try to do the right thing, our world so often continues to be filled with injustice, with destruction and violence. And so we…



Bible Reading for July 26 – Nahum; Psalm 76

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

It seems that there is only one thing all Americans can agree upon these days: we want “them” to get what is coming to them. Of course, we disagree strongly and bitterly about the identity of “them:” some direct their anger at the Washington and Hollywood elites who are busily…



Bible Reading for July 25 – II Chronicles 34-35

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Are you an undercover Christian? Would it be hard for people around you to know that you are a follower of Jesus? Well, Josiah wasn’t hiding his faith from anyone. Yesterday, we saw how he personally decided to follow the Lord when he was 16 years old, and when he…



Bible Reading for July 24 – II Kings 21-23

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Is America is too far gone to be redeemed? That’s really what the “woke” protesters in our biggest cities have been saying: that racism is woven too deeply into the fabric of our national culture to be removed, and that it’s too big a problem to be ignored. And so,…



Bible Reading for July 22 – II Chronicles 32-33; Psalms 9-10

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

So, why would Manasseh want to undo everything his father Hezekiah had done? Why would Manasseh embrace the worship of false gods that his father had so firmly rejected? Today, when young people are quite literally tearing down their ancestors’ heroes, it’s not just an academic question. What’s wrong with…



Bible Reading for July 21 – II Kings 18:13-20:21; Psalm 2

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

How can a book that is thousands of years old have any relevance for modern life? Why do I have to do what the Bible says? Why can’t I just live like I want to?” That’s not just the attitude of human rulers, who are accustomed to having things their…



Bible Reading for July 20 – II Chronicles 29-31

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

When we think about revival, it’s easy to focus on supernatural displays of God’s presence: miraculous healings or ecstatic experiences. But these chapters record one of the greatest revivals in the history of God’s people: nothing had been seen like it since the days of Solomon (II Chronicles 32:26). But…



Bible Reading for July 19 – Isaiah 65-66; Psalm 77

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

In our increasingly polarized world, it’s easy to feel good about ourselves. We take pride in our beliefs and practices, even as we look down on those we consider to be deluded or even destructive. But Isaiah reminds us that God has little use for those who say “Keep to…



Bible Reading for July 18 – Isaiah 61-64

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing” (Luke 4:21). That’s what Jesus said in His hometown of Nazareth about the first few verses of Isaiah 61. And who wouldn’t be excited to hear such good news? As our own streets are filled with violence, and as we continue to…



Bible Reading for July 17 – Isaiah 58-60

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“Justice is far from us” (Isaiah 59:9). Doesn’t that ring true today? Whether it be district attorneys choosing not to prosecute their political allies or exclusive universities reserving spots for unqualified children of wealthy alumni, it’s easy to find examples of people who abuse the power and wealth that they…


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