

Bible Reading for July 4 – Isaiah 11-14

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Justice. That’s what our Patriot ancestors wanted back in 1776. They were tired of feeling like second-class citizens, tired of having no say in the laws that governed them, tired of being considered guilty until proven innocent. And many modern people share those sentiments, wondering if powerful politicians are somehow…



Bible Reading for July 3 – Isaiah 8-10

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Are you having a hard time finding hope today? Are you discouraged by the chaos in the world around you? Are you disappointed in your work or your relationships? Are you wondering if there’s anyone who can straighten things out? The people of God in Isaiah’s time had good reason…



Bible Reading for July 1 – Isaiah 1-3

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

https://www.un.org/ungifts/let-us-beat-swords-ploughshares?fbclid=IwAR3x_J-uZc5Fyp_APxuhVMxs8Zh-FDO3295rKChBZw57lz0CS80X-f4jme0 “Let Us Beat Our Swords into Plowshares.” That’s what the statue is called which stands at the UN headquarters in Manhattan. And that’s what the organizers of the United Nations thought they were doing in 1945. World War II was over, and the free nations of the world would…



Bible Reading for June 30 – Micah 6-7, Psalm 71

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

What do you think God really wants from you? The peddlers of the false “prosperity gospel” give us an obvious answer: some of your stuff. For they insist that if you just give them a large enough donation, God will turn around and give you everything you want. In a…



Bible Reading for June 29 – Micah 1-5

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“This One will be our peace” (Micah 5:5). That sounds good, doesn’t it? With war raging in Ukraine, with American streets filled with violence, with our politicians at each others’ throats, who doesn’t need some peace these days? And the people in Micah’s time were in an even worse situation….



Bible Reading for June 28 – II Chronicles 25-28

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Why should we care so much about our own traditions? Why not learn from what other people and cultures are doing today? That seems to have been Ahaz’ opinion. He was 20 years old when he became king, and even though his father Jotham and his grandfather Uzziah and his…



Bible Reading for June 27 – II Kings 17:1-18:12

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Why do all these terrible things keep happening to me? Maybe you’ve asked that question, wondering about the sickness or pain, the grief or confusion that plagues you. And many times, there simply is no answer: in a world where everything is twisted and broken in one way or another…



Bible Study for June 26 – Amos 9, II Kings 15-16

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before stumbling” (Proverbs 16:18). That’s what Solomon wrote some 200 years before his descendent Azariah (also called Uzziah) reigned over Jerusalem. Now, in many ways Azariah was a good king, seeking to do what was right in God’s sight (II Kings 15:3)….



Bible Reading for June 24 – II Kings 14:23-29; Amos 1-4

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“What is it going to take to get your attention?” This is the cry of many exasperated teachers once the disciplinary bag of tricks has been emptied. For some students, writing lines, staying in during recess, having to stay in detention after school, or even not being able to participate…



Bible Reading for June 23 – II Kings 13:1-14:22, Jonah

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

American society has not been this violently polarized since the era of the Vietnam war. Everyone seems to be angry these days – over sexuality and gender issues, over police policies and procedures, over the way racial minorities have been treated throughout our history. It’s easy to hate, especially when…


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