

Bible Reading for May 30 – Ecclesiastes 1-2; Psalm 49

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

What is the secret to the good life? A new car? A bigger house? Having the sort of fame that mass media attention or lots of followers on Facebook or Twitter bring you? The freedom to go where you want and do what you want? Solomon tried all the options….



Bible Reading for May 29 – I Kings 9-11

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

It’s not enough to build beautiful buildings if you want God to be glorified. Europe and many parts of the United States are adorned with marvelous ecclesiastical architecture – but no one worships in all too many of these centuries-old sanctuaries. Some have been closed, others have been sold off…



Bible Reading for May 27 – I Kings 7; Psalm 127

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Wisdom and understanding – when we think of these things, we often conjure up images of white-coated researchers, or perhaps bespectacled, tweedy philosophy professors. But the Bible has a more comprehensive view of wisdom, one which insists not only on the possession of knowledge, but also its application in the…



Bible Reading for May 26 – I Kings 5-6; Psalm 98

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Anyone who doubts the importance of visual symbols hasn’t been watching the news lately. After all, how many protests have we seen that call for the removal of Confederate statuary from our public spaces, even though most of them are well over 100 years old? And a few years ago,…



Bible Reading for May 25 – Song of Solomon 5-8; Psalm 45

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“Love is strong as death” (8:6). How many widows and widowers can bear witness to this? For so many people, “Til death us do part” is only true physically, as the bonds of affection linger long after their spouse has died. And this sort of love is just as strong…



Bible Reading for May 24 – Song of Solomon 1-4

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come along!” Who could resist such an invitation? Who wouldn’t want to be considered desirable and attractive? And don’t we all want those we admire to want to spend time with us? Of course, Solomon’s beloved didn’t think she was worthy of his…



Bible Reading for May 23 – Proverbs 29-31

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

What is the most important attribute of a husband or wife? Under the spell of Romanticism, our modern society has cast its vote for visual attractiveness. And beauty is, in fact, important: the Song of Solomon is in the Bible after all, and it is largely made up of two…



Bible Reading for May 22 – Proverbs 25-28

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Why do Americans need to know about kings? We are citizens of a Federal Republic. We get to elect our own leaders. In fact, when we go into the voting booth, together we wield the sovereignty of the United States. But that’s all the more reason we need to pay…



Bible Reading for May 21 – Proverbs 21-24

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“Why do you do this to yourself every weekend?” That’s what I asked the guys on my hall during my Freshman year in college. Most of them went to parties on Friday and Saturday nights and thus spent significant daytime hours of every weekend with the headaches and the nausea…



Bible Reading for May 20 – Proverbs 17-20

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

If terrorist attacks, pandemics and violent riots have made population density dangerous, the internet has rendered it largely unnecessary. There’s no need to travel to shop at the most exclusive stores or go to the library or even to attend a university. Millions of books have been scanned and are…


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