

Bible Reading for May 19 – Proverbs 13-16

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Because this is an election year for Mississippi’s state and local offices, our newspapers are already filling up with advertisements from candidates asking for our votes. And even though Solomon was an absolute monarch, he did not disagree with the importance of marshalling public opinion: “In a multitude of people…



Bible Reading for May 18 – Proverbs 9-12

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

In the age of the internet, and especially where it comes to social media, we are flooded with all sorts of opinions on every side of every issue. What should we say, and what should we leave unsaid? Of course the Romantics would tell us that we should always speak…



Bible Reading for May 17 – Proverbs 5-8

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“If it feels good, do it! Be true to yourself and follow your heart!” That’s what the Romantics teach. But according to King Solomon, nothing could be further from the truth. Now remember, the Song of Solomon is a whole-hearted celebration of the love between husband and wife, so Solomon…



Bible Reading for May 16 – Proverbs 1-4

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

For the 17 years I was a chaplain or teacher at Chamberlain-Hunt Academy, I saw the King James Version translation of Proverbs 3:6 over the proscenium in the chapel. It was a daily reminder to me, and to all the young people the institution served, to put God first in…



Bible Reading for May 15 – I Kings 2:12-4:34

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

What is your heart’s desire? What blessing would you most like to receive? Happiness? Wealth? Fame? Power? Freedom from responsibility? To gain the love of a special someone? To be reunited with those who have passed away? When God appeared to King Solomon in a dream, Solomon didn’t ask for…



Bible Reading for May 13 –Psalms 31, 78

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

We can relate to David’s prayer in Psalm 31, can’t we? Don’t we know what it’s like to have people tell lies about us (verses 13 and 18)? Haven’t we all been worn out with grief from time to time (verse 9)? Aren’t we all too familiar with sorrow and…



Bible Reading for May 12 – I Chronicles 28-29

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Why does God choose some people for specific tasks? We don’t really know any more than David did. He didn’t know why God had chosen him, the youngest of his father’s sons, to be king. In fact, he didn’t know why the tribe of Judah had been chosen to provide…



Bible Reading for May 11 – I Chronicles 26-27; Psalms 28-29

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

During springtime in Mississippi, we don’t have to be reminded about the power of thunderstorms, do we? When cold fronts from the plains collide with the warm, moist air off of the Gulf of Mexico, hailstones as big as golf balls fall from the sky, while trees and limbs fall…



Bible Reading for May 10 – I Chronicles 23-25; Psalm 27

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

There are lots of problems all around us, from the Russian invasion of Ukraine to the sickness in our own families. And David was no stranger to such difficulties, being literally surrounded by his enemies on numerous occasions (Psalm 27:2, 3 and 12). So it is only natural for him…



Bible Reading for May 9 – I Chronicles 20-22; Psalm 26

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

If Psalm 25 teaches us the importance of humility in prayer, Psalm 26 points to the need for integrity, the need for a life in which our thoughts, desires, and deeds line up with our profession of faith. Now, this is not to say that we somehow earn God’s favor…


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