

Bible Reading for May 8 – I Chronicles 17-19; Psalm 25

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

It’s easy for us to place the blame on those who hurt us, especially when they really are our enemies, when they really do take their hatred out on us by afflicting us in treacherous ways (verses 2 and 19). But even if our critics may be wrong about their…



Bible Reading for May 6 – I Chronicles 12-14; Psalms 20-21

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Where do you place your faith? This is the real question that divides Americans. Some of us look to the government to ensure prosperity and equity for all. Others tend to trust in the private sector, in individual citizens’ efforts to produce and innovate. But in Psalm 21, David challenges…



Bible Reading for May 5 – I Chronicles 9-11; Psalm 19

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“I can get just as close to God on my deerstand as I can in church.” Perhaps you’ve heard, or even expressed such sentiments. And, shepherd and soldier that he was, David would not completely disagree. After all, in this psalm, he speaks how God’s glory is revealed in the…



Bible Reading for May 4– I Chronicles 7-8; Psalms 16-17

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Prayer is the most direct way that we express our relationship with God. And Psalm 16 describes that relationship so beautifully, doesn’t it? For God doesn’t only accomplish great things for us, protecting us (verses 8 and 9) and guiding our steps (verse 11). No, as David says in verse…



Bible Readings for May 3 – I Chronicles 6; Psalms 13-15

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

I Chronicles 6 reminds us that, in Old Testament times, the tribe of Levi was set apart for the service of the Lord. The priests, all of whom were descendants of Aaron, were responsible for offering up sacrifices on the altar (I Chronicles 6:49). Other members of the tribe of…



Bible Reading for May 2 – I Chronicles 3-5; Psalms 11-12

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

It’s easy to let our eyes glaze over when we come to the long lists of names we find in the Chronicles. But these names served a valuable purpose for those who first read these books. For they were the tiny remnant of God’s people who had returned from exile…



Bible Readings for May 1 – I Chronicles 1-2; Psalms 4-8

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Even after a good night’s sleep, it’s easy for the problems of the day to come crowding in as soon as our feet hit the floor. So, how can we get the morning off to a good start, in spite of whatever pain or opposition we might anticipate? Well, notice…



Bible Reading for April 29 – II Samuel 21-22; Psalm 18

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“I pursued my enemies and overtook them. I destroyed those who hated me. They cried for help, but there was none to save.” Many proud kings have made such boasts about their victories in battle. Rulers have always wanted to take credit for anything good that happens on their watch,…



Bible Reading for April 28 – II Samuel 19-20; Psalm 138

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Why are you looking forward to the return of Christ? Are you anxious to see loved ones who have gone to be with Him? Are you looking forward to having your faith vindicated in the eyes of those who think pursuing holiness is a waste of time? Are you waiting…



Bible Reading for April 27 – II Samuel 18; Psalms 3, 64, 69, 70

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Samuel said that David would be a man after God’s own heart (I Samuel 13:14), and we see that nowhere more clearly than in today’s passage. For remember: Absalom had been plotting a coup against his father for years. When he finally made his move, David fled, but only in…


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