

Bible Reading for April 26 – II Samuel 15-17

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Why did David allow Shemei to throw rocks and dust at him? That’s not the way kings generally behave, is it? No, they are much more likely to react the way David’s cousin Abishai suggested, cutting off the heads of those who dare to disagree with them (II Samuel 16:9)….



Bible Reading for April 25 – II Samuel 13-14; Psalm 39

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

It’s so easy to make rationalizations to get what we want, isn’t it? After all, Tamar wasn’t really Amnon’s sister, for they didn’t have the same mother. And as Jonadab pointed out, Amnon was the son of the king – in fact he was the oldest son, the obvious heir…



Bible Reading for April 24 – II Samuel 11-12; Psalms 51, 32

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

We find the good news in I John 1:9. If those who are trusting Christ as Savior and bowing the knee to Him as Lord confess our sins, God will forgive us and cleanse us of all unrighteousness. He does this because He is faithful and just: we are reconciled…



Bible Reading for April 23– II Samuel 8-10; Psalms 30, 60

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“God is in charge of everything.” That’s what we Presbyterians believe, and God’s sovereignty is a marvelous source of reassurance – most of the time. But what do you do when success isn’t coming your way? If God is in charge of everything, and your plans aren’t working out, does…



Bible Reading for April 21 – II Samuel 1-3

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

David sure had a strange way of fighting a civil war, didn’t he? Saul, his own father-in-law had been trying to kill him for years, and yet his first reaction when he heard Saul had died was to mourn and weep and fast (II Samuel 1:12). And instead of rewarding…



Bible Reading for April 20– I Samuel 28-31

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Have you ever been disappointed when your plans didn’t work out they way you wanted them to? Maybe the college that was your first choice didn’t accept you, or that special someone didn’t think you were so special after all. Or maybe you lost a job or your health, or…



Bible Reading for April 19 – I Samuel 25-27; Psalm 37

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

David was destined to be king – the prophet Samuel had told him that back when he was just a boy, caring for his father’s sheep (I Samuel 16:12-13). Saul’s son Jonathan had already made a covenant with him, promising him allegiance (I Samuel 20:15-16, 42). Even Saul himself admitted…



Bible Reading for April 18 – I Samuel 23-24; Psalms 54, 63

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

What good can God possibly bring out of this mess? A tornado with 200 mph winds smashed into Rolling Fork back on March 24, killing 13 people, and destroying some 300 homes and businesses. How can things like that possibly be part of God’s plan? David had to be wondering…



Bible Reading for April 17 – I Samuel 22; Psalms 57, 142, 52

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

David was certainly no stranger to suffering, was he? Throughout his life, not only his military opponents but even members of his own family kept setting traps for him (verse 3) and persecuting him (verse 6). And let’s face it: the Son of David endured the same sort of suffering,…



Bible Reading for April 15 – I Samuel 19:12-21:15

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Are you blessed to have a friend who would do anything for you? David certainly was. Even though she was the daughter of King Saul, David’s wife Michal took David’s side when her father sent soldiers to kill her husband. She helped David to escape from their home, and then…


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