

Bible Readings for April 14 – I Samuel 18:1-19:11; Psalm 59

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

It’s easy for Christians to feel that we are under attack. The Center for Religious Liberty at the Family Research Council reports that “criminal acts against churches have been steadily on the rise for the past several years, and the first quarter of 2023 has continued the upward trend. The…



Bible Reading for April 13– I Samuel 16-17; Psalm 61

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

What are the characteristics of a good ruler? Saul certainly looked the part – standing head and shoulders above everyone else (I Samuel 10:23). And he acted the way many modern leaders do: threatening the people if they didn’t follow him (I Samuel 11:7), and setting up a monument to…



Bible Reading for April 12 – I Samuel 14-15; Psalm 58

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Saul and Jonathan were a study in contrasts, weren’t they? Although they were father and son, they couldn’t have been more different. Saul believed that leaders have to inspire fear in their followers. Before his first battle, he killed and butchered his own team of oxen, sending different bloody parts…



Bible Reading for April 11 – I Samuel 11-13; Psalm 62

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“If only we could get the right President in office, everything would be great!” That’s the only thing on which all the political parties in America can agree. And so every four years, we spend an incredible amount of time and money trying to decide who will be President. Back…



Bible Reading for April 10 – I Samuel 8-10; Psalm 93

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“The floods have lifted up their voice; the floods lift up their pounding waves.” That truth hit home to me on my first trip to the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina. It was so strange to see steps leading nowhere, sidewalks and trees remaining in place but house after house…



Bible Reading for April 8 – I Samuel 1-3; Psalm 113

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

No, living the Christian life is not easy. For God calls all of us to respond to His grace with faith and devotion, entrusting ourselves completely to Him, and considering that everything we are and everything we have belongs to him. It certainly wasn’t easy, for example, for Hannah to…



Bible Reading for April 6 – Psalms 105, 106

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

In the absence of a clear prophetic word, it would be nothing short of theological malpractice to claim that any particular plague, tornado, or earthquake is sent as a direct punishment from God for any particular sin. Moreover, we can’t say that such disasters are signals of Christ’s imminent coming…



Bible Reading for April 4 – Judges 17-19

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

So far, for much of America, Judges 17 and 18 still tell a cautionary tale. Many of us still try to follow Biblical precepts as we help one another and protect the weakest among us. The outpouring of love, prayers, and gifts for those whose lives were devastated by the…



Bible Reading for April 3 – Judges 14-16; Psalm 143

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“If only we had a strong leader during this time of crisis! Then we wouldn’t have any reason to fear.” Maybe that thought has crossed your mind lately, or maybe you’ve heard someone else express such sentiments. Well, the Ancient Israelites had problems that are just as big as ours…



Bible Reading for April 1 – Judges 9-10; Psalm 101

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

It all turned out exactly the way Jotham had predicted: Abimelech’s naked ambition and the men of Shechem’s willingness to use brute force to seize power ended up destroying them all. It’s a story that has repeated itself throughout history, as Adolf Hitler and Mao Zedong, Pol Pot and Fidel…


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