

Bible Reading for November 8 – Mark 4:35-41

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Fear is powerful. Politicians know that, and that’s why so many of their campaign ads try to convince you that if their opponents win, the world as we know it will come to an end. But other fears are not so easily dismissed: jobs can be lost, spouses can abandon…



Bible Reading for November 7 – Mark 4:26-34

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Babies being born without fathers in the home. Babies being aborted before they have a chance to be born. Mentally ill people wandering the streets. Opioid addiction skyrocketing. Able-bodied men not even interested in working. Can anyone doubt that America’s social problems are getting worse? But what can we Christians…



Bible Reading for November 5 – Mark 4:21-25

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Once we’ve been saved, why has Jesus left us in this world? Once we’ve trusted in Him as Savior and bowed the knee to Him as Lord, why doesn’t He just whisk us off into Heaven the way He did with Enoch (Genesis 5:24)? Well, what can we do here…



Bible Reading for November 4 – Mark 4:1-20

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

When we hear the parable of the Sower and the Soils, most of the time we jump immediately to self-diagnosis, wondering which kind of soil we might be. And it is a good thing to be aware of how Satan works in people’s lives. His most powerful tool, as verse…



Bible Reading for November 3 – Mark 3:20-21, 31-35

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Who is Jesus? No, “His own people” didn’t agree with the scribes. Oh, Jesus’ family had seen His miraculous power from the time that He changed water into wine at a wedding in Cana (John 2). But they didn’t think He was possessed by a demon. They just thought that…



Bible Reading for November 2 – Mark 3:22-30

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Who is Jesus? That’s what the scribes, the experts in the Law of Moses, were wondering. Because He didn’t agree with their pet interpretations of the Sabbath commandment, they couldn’t bring themselves to believe that His power came from God. But at the same time, they couldn’t deny that He…



Bible Reading for November 1 – Mark 3:7-20

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Believe in Christ and you will be saved. That’s true, as long as we understand what it means to believe in Christ. After all, everyone in this passage believed in Jesus in one way or another. Think about the unclean spirits, the demons in verse 11. They had the most…



Bible Reading for October 31 – Mark 2:23-3:6

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

In their legalistic mania to justify themselves in the sight of God, the Pharisees took God’s Sabbath requirement and blew it up to ridiculous proportions. It was work to have a snack while walking through a field? It was work for Jesus to do a miracle of healing? Really? So,…



Bible Reading for October 29 – Mark 2:18-22

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

While “intermittent fasting” as a way to boost our health and shrink our waistlines has become more popular in modern America, fasting as a spiritual discipline has largely fallen by the wayside. But it was an important part of Old Testament religious practice. The Law of Moses prescribed one fast…



Bible Reading for October 28 – Mark 2:13-17

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

How could Jesus possibly associate with “those people”? In our increasingly polarized society, the question is becoming increasingly common. Some might point to the January 6 protesters or to those who espouse racist views as especially worthy of condemnation. Others might point to some of the 7 million able-bodied, working-age…


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