

Bible Reading for August 12 – Psalm 141

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

So, what’s your biggest problem? Is it health or grief, loneliness or depression? Are you wondering how you’ll make ends meet with the price of everything going up? Are you wrestling with difficult or strained family relationships? Well, David also had plenty of things to worry about, didn’t he? His…



Bible Reading for August 11 – Psalm 140

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

What can we do about people who are as wicked as they are powerful? David faced the same problem 3000 years ago. In fact, his own father-in-law, King Saul, spent years trying to kill him, not because David had done anything wrong, but simply because of Saul’s jealousy at David’s…



Bible Reading for August 10 – Psalm 139

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

In a world where information is available everywhere all the time, people are increasingly concerned about privacy. Cameras intended to detect thieves taking packages outside our front doors can apparently be hacked to spy on homeowners instead. And if Alexa can hear you ask her a question, what else is…



Bible Reading for August 9 – Psalm 138

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Why do we worship God? David wanted to build a temple for this purpose, and in this psalm, he thinks about what he would do there. Now, we might expect him to look forward to taking a victory lap, allowing the glory and grandeur of the Temple to reflect on…



Bible Reading for August 8 – Psalm 137

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

This is certainly not one of those psalms that would fit easily into our worship services, is it? The graphic desires for vengeance to come upon the enemies of the Lord’s people that we find in verses 7 through 9 are hard to read, let alone sing. But maybe that’s…



Bible Reading for August 6 – Psalm 136

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Bible Reading for August 6 – Psalm 136 For what are you most thankful? I suppose we Americans would start with the fertile soil and generous rains with which the Lord has blessed us, and the abundance of food they allow our farmers to produce. But that’s not where Psalm…



Bible Reading for August 5 – Psalm 135

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

A recent Pew Research study said that the most important reason people choose a church to attend is the quality of the sermons preached. Other reasons include feeling welcomed by church leaders, the worship style of the congregation, the location, the quality of the children’s ministry, having friends or family…



Bible Reading for August 3 – Psalm 132

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

It isn’t just COVID that’s keeping God’s people from gathering on the Lord’s Day, you know. Lots of single parents have to work long hours to make ends meet, and since most restaurants and retail establishments are open on Sundays, those who work there are often prevented from attending public…



Bible Reading for August 1 – Psalm 130

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Guilt. It can crush you, push you down, make you feel so far away from God. In fact, knowing that we have broken God’s law can lead us to hopeless despair, to believe that there’s no way God could ever forgive us. But instead of hiding from God, the psalmist…



Bible Reading for July 30 – Psalm 128

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

It would be easy to read this psalm through the lenses of the prosperity gospel: if you trust the Lord enough, you’ll have a great job, a beautiful wife, and lots of well-behaved children – that is, if you demonstrate that trust by sending in an adequate donation! But the…


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