

Bible Reading for July 18 – Psalm 118

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

It’s one of the clearest Old Testament prophecies about the Person and Work of Christ, isn’t it? Here’s Jesus, the perfectly righteous One going through the gates of Jerusalem on Palm Sunday (verses 19-20). Here’s the crowd crying out, “Hosanna” (which means “save now”), blessing Jesus as the One Who…



Bible Reading for July 16 – Psalm 116

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Have you ever been asked to give your Christian testimony? Oftentimes, it takes the form of recounting the sinful way one formerly lived, and how an encounter with Christ has brought about repentance. But it is easy for such testimonies to degenerate into self-focus, if not into self-congratulation: “Look at…



Bible Reading for July 15 – Psalm 115

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

We place our trust in all sorts of things, people and skills every day. During this COVID crisis, for example, we’ve been trusting in our government to keep us safe and our scientists and researchers to show us how to stay healthy. So, how well are they doing? Are they…



Bible Reading for July 14 – Psalm 114

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Oceans and rivers running away? Mountains and hills skipping like kids and lambs? Surely this is just poetic exaggeration, right? In the real world, things like this don’t really happen. Well yes, yes they do. After all, when God led His people out of Egypt, He parted the waters of…



Bible Reading for July 13 – Psalm 113

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“His glory is above the heavens” (verse 4). That’s what the author of Psalm 113 said about the Lord, at a time when no one knew about more than the 9,110 stars, planets and novae that are visible to the naked eye. But yesterday, with the first pictures from the…



Bible Reading for July 12 – Psalm 112

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

We’re all accustomed to giving God thanks and praise for all the ways in which He has blessed us. But how often do we think about the blessing that comes from faith itself? For we cannot doubt that those who love and trust the Lord Jesus, those who delight in…



Bible Reading for July 11 – Psalm 111

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

How often do our prayers degenerate into a list of requests, either for ourselves or for our loved ones? But aren’t such prayers really focused more on ourselves than on God? So, how can we begin to pray in a truly God-centered, God-focused way? This psalm is a good model,…



Bible Reading for July 9 – Psalm 110

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Why is it so important that Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father in Heaven (verse 1)? That’s the scene that David describes in Psalm 110, but these days it sure doesn’t look like Jesus is in charge of this world. Nevertheless, verse 2 insists that He rules…



Bible Reading for July 8 – Psalm 109

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

How could this psalm, with its full-throated cries for God to punish the wicked, possibly apply in the New Testament era? Well, we cannot doubt that it does – after all, in Acts 1:20, Peter applies verse 8 directly to Judas Iscariot, arguing that another apostle had to be appointed…



Bible Reading for July 7 – Psalm 108

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Maybe you’ve prayed and prayed for a breakthrough for yourself or a loved one, for deliverance from sickness or addiction. Maybe you’ve prayed for a way to make ends meet, but the unpaid bills keep piling up. How do you keep on praying when God hasn’t yet answered your prayers?…


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