

Bible Reading for November 23 – Romans 12-13

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

So, once we know that God saves undeserving, helpless sinners by His grace alone through the work of Christ alone, how should we respond? Of course we should have faith in Him – but what does that really mean? And how should we live out that faith in everyday life,…



Bible Reading for November 22 – Romans 9-11

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Why don’t they get it? Maybe you have family members or close friends who don’t believe in Jesus. You’ve tried and tried to explain the gospel to them, but they’re just not interested – they just don’t want to hear it. Why can’t they see what you see? This was…



Bible Reading for November 21 – Romans 8; Psalm 103

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Have you ever been so confused that you didn’t know what to pray for? Have you ever been so heartbroken that you didn’t even have the strength to pray? Have you ever wondered if God could possibly love someone who had made such a mess of life? Do you feel…



Bible Reading for November 20 – Romans 4-7

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“Well, if God’s going to forgive me no matter what I do, then why not just keep on sinning?” If that question hasn’t ever occurred to you, you probably haven’t come to grips with just how radical God’s grace really is. For the fact is that all who trust in…



Bible Reading for November 18 – Colossians

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

So, how should the Christian life change our relationships with other people? In Colossians 3:14, Paul tells us that, as we are joined to Christ by faith, our lives will be marked by true love for one another. But this is not the selfish sort of desire that the Romantics…



Bible Reading for November 17 – Ephesians 4-6

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

How can you be sure that anything is true? Today you can find what seems to be knowledgeable, expert advice on every side of every issue, from economic policy to the use of face masks during pandemics. And where it comes to matters of faith, so many individuals and traditions…



Bible Reading for November 16 – Ephesians 1-3

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

Have you ever wondered if God could possibly love you? Maybe you’re living with the shame of having hurt yourself or others in the past. Maybe you find yourself attracted to all sorts of things or people that only cause you more pain. Maybe when you look in the mirror,…



Bible Reading for November 15 – Acts 27-28

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

So, why doesn’t everyone respond to the gospel in faith? Oh, sometimes there are obvious cultural or linguistic differences that keep people from understanding the truth. But that wasn’t the case with Paul and the Jewish leaders in Rome. After all, they knew the Old Testament very well, so when…



Bible Reading for November 14 – Acts 25-26

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“You are out of your mind.” That was Festus’ reaction when Paul insisted that Jesus had risen from the dead. And many people stand with Festus today: those who, like him, make worldly power and influence the focus of their lives. For if you are placing your faith in the…



Bible Reading for November 13 – Acts 22:30-24:27

Posted by Rev. Michael Herrin | No Comments »

“You must witness at Rome.” That’s what God told Paul in Chapter 23 and verse 11, but how in the world could such a thing possibly happen? The chief priests and elders wanted to kill him, and a group of assassins had volunteered to do just that (23:15). So great…


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